After porting my CHIP-8 emulator to Zig (repo on GitHub) and writing about it, I decided to come back for some fun and wanted to try my hand on building a small game from the ground up.

Sometimes you winSometimes you lose

Sweeping the mines

Here’s a few pain points I noticed coming back to Zig for the second time:

  • Pointers: Zig has several pointer types, and it can be confusing sometimes when choosing. You’ll get back to the docs a few times before getting this right.
  • Initialization rules: Coming from C++, Zig has quite a different philosophy around variable initialization and the syntax for it. Don’t expect to write var = {} to get a zero-initialized variable!
  • If you want something mutable, get a pointer on it! I bumped my head against this a few times, because I expected things like var my_var = array[x] to hold a reference by default. Nope. Get a pointer instead! What’s weird here is that the syntax after initialization can stay the same for both variants, so be careful!

On the bright side

Writing Zig is still a nice experience overall, I especially like the smooth integration of array slices and the ability to get an loop counter super easily.

I used SDL2 for this project again, and there’s no surprise - the C-interop is smooth as butter, no fiddling around with wrappers and minimal syntax overhead.

Play the thing

As usual, here’s the code on GitHub.