Prototoy: offline shadertoy clone in rust

Time for reinventing the wheel again! Shadertoy is great and all, but I didn’t find it super comfortable to use. Can’t use your own editor Browsers eat my battery! Instead of staying mad at things, I took this as a learning opportunity and made an offline version. Introducing: Prototoy! Prototoy is a rather simple program, it allows you to load a shader from your disk, show it in a window and watch for file changes to hot reload it....

June 4, 2021

Weekend Raytracer Project

Raytracers are one of those cool programs that you can write in a few hours and already have something fun to play with. I never got to write one at school so I figured I would spend a day or two and get one going! Because many other sources recommend it, I downloaded Peter Shirley’s book Ray tracing in one weekend and gave it a go. Even though I was familiar with the concepts, it was a good exercise and also surprisingly fun!...

August 28, 2018

AMD GCN ISA Syntax Highlighting for Vim

I got into low-level shader optimizations lately, and realised that not many tools are provided for the job. Since i’m looking at GCN assembly regularly now, i used the occasion to write a decent syntax highlighting for it inside vim. That way i got to go through the whole GCN ISA document (props to AMD for having the only public GPU ISA out there) as well as learning some vim scripting basics!...

June 29, 2018